Reasons why I should get a phone!

Have you ever told your parents ‘ we are in the twenty first century mum i think i need a phone now!’ and the answer was no.This happens to most teens well what if i tell you i have great reasons that you can use to get a phone!

Everyone has one: Nearly every person you walk past will be holding a phone. Phones are something that everyone in the world has at the moment.If you tell your parents that you dont want to be the only person without a phone then yoou probably would not get far but its always worth a shot.

Communication: You need a phone to talk to people from long distances say they cancelled sport training and your parents dont know. You need a phone to call them and to tell them to come and pick you up.

I will do all the chores in the house: This works with some parents that just want to lie down more often.Tell you parents more convincing reasons first then let them know you will do all the chores just in case they agree anyway.

These are just three reasons that you can use to try and get a phone.


Climates in the Asia region.

The Southern sections of Asia are warm to cold, while far north-eastern areas such as Siberia are very cold. East Asia has a temperateclimate. The highest temperature recorded in Asiawas 54.0 °C (129.2 °F) at Tirat Zvi, Israel on June 21, 1942.


Flora in the Asian region.

Asia has the richest flora of the earth’s seven continents. Because Asia is the largest continent, it is not surprising that 100,000 different kinds of plants grow within its various climate zones, which range from tropical to Arctic.
Asian plants, which include ferns, gymnosperms, and flowering vascular plants, make up 40 percent of the earth’s plant species. The endemic plant species come from more than forty plant families and fifteen hundred genera. 

Asia is divided into five major vegetation regions based on the richness and types of each region’s flora: tropical rain forests in Southeast Asia, temperate mixed forests in East Asia, tropical rain/ dry forests in South Asia, desert and steppe in Central and West Asia, and taiga and tundra in North Asia.


Fauna in the Asia region.

All the animals living in Asia and its surrounding seas and islands are considered the fauna of Asia. Asia is the eastern part of the Palaearctic ecozone (which in turn is part of the Holarctic), and its south-eastern part belongs to the Indomalaya ecozone (previously called the Oriental region).

Mountain Ranges in the Asian region.

Several significant mountain ranges stretch across Asia. Include the Altay, Gahats, Himalayan, Kunlun, Tien Shan, Ural and Zagros Mountains.

River Systems in the Asia region.

Dozens of significant rivers rise in Asia. Here we highlight a few on the map and (briefly) describe some of the most significant ones, including the Ganges, Indus, Lena, Mekong, Ob, Yangtze and Yellow.

Earthquake patterns in the Asian region.

The reason there are so many earthquakes in South East Asia is very simple, there are two reasons, Tectonic plates, and the Ring of Fire. The Tectonic plates actually make the ring of fire so it’s mostly tectonic plates. There are two main Tectonic Plates, the Eurasian plate, and the Philippine Plate; these two are constantly rubbing each other making more quakes. The Ring of Fire is made of the Pacific plate and the North America plate.

Asia’s environment can be explained a lot these few points were talking about a bit of something that got to do with the Asian environments.

My Eid

Last eid was ne of the most fun eid i have ever had.My family and i went to many places and di alot of things to celebrate this day and we had alot of fun.

On the first day we went to the mosque to pray the eid prayer.As usual the mosque is packed with people praying.This is why people pray along wangee road.My dad went to pray with the men and my mum and my other siblings went to pray with the ladies.We stayed at the mosque for about an hour then we went home.Along the way home people are usually celebrating and saying ‘eid mubarak’.When we get home we have a big breakfast. Then we go to a park to see friends who also dont have family here and we celebrate together.

At night my dad took us to the eid festival.We stayed there from 5-10pm it was so much fun because we got tickets for unlimimted rides and we went on so many rides.We went on the dogem cars,the sizzler and many others.My mum will buy us some food as well and we will all eat for a while.Then when we watch the fireworks.They are very nice as you feel really happy.

On the second day we went to a resturant called Jasmine resturant.This is a llebanese resturant where they sell arab food.Since i am from Syria our food are kind of similar.We ate and then we went back home .When we got home we would change pray asr and then go to the park to see my mums friends.We would play and talk about what we have done for eid so far.We sometimescome in our eid clothes and show off what we have bought.

On the third day we usually stay home.We board games and watch tv.The next day is usually school so we have to sleep earlier.I love eid and i hope all the eids of muslims will be full of happinessand joy.

The Noble Prize

What is the Nobel Prize?

The Nobel Prize is a set of annual international awards given in a number of categories by Swedish and Norwegian organizations in credit of academic.

Who invented the Nobel Prize?

On October 21, 1833 a baby boy called Alfred was born to a family in Stockholm, Swedenwho was to become a famous scientist, inventor, businessman and founder of the Nobel Prizes.

How are Nobel Prize winners chosen?

A nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize may be submitted by any person who meets the proposal standards. A letter of invitation to submit is not required. The names of the candidates and other information about the proposals cannot be revealed until 50 years later.

When did Fleming and Florey receive their Nobel Prize? What did they receive it for?

He Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1945 was awarded together to Sir Alexander Fleming, Ernst Boris Chain and Sir Howard Walter Florey “for the discovery of penicillin and its healing effect in various infectious diseases”.

Why did Barry Marshall and Dr Robin Warren win the Nobel Prize?

Marshall and Warren are well-known for proving that a bacterium called Helicobacter pyloriis the cause of most peptic ulcers.

Name another person who has received the Prize what did they receive it for?

William C. Campbell and Satoshi Ōmura

“For their discoveries concerning a novel therapy against infections caused by roundworm parasites”

List some interesting facts on the Nobel Prize.

  1. The Nobel Committee keep the names of laureate nominees confidential for fifty years before they are released to the public.
  2. Nobel prizes are announced in advance but awarded annually on December 10, the anniversary of Alfred Nobel’s death.
  3. The Nobel Prizes for Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Literature and Economics are awarded at a ceremony in Stockholm, Sweden.
  4. The number of winners is limited to three per category
  5. A person must be alive to be nominated. If they die during the consideration period, their name will be removed. Only if a person is announced as a winner and dies prior to the ceremony, will a posthumous award be given.
  6. Nobel Prize recipients are called laureates.
  7. The award consists of a medal, a personal diploma, and a cash prize (8 million Swedish kroner (SEK) – approximately $930,000 US dollars as of September 2016).
  8. The Peace medal has the inscription “Pro pace et fraternity’s gentian,” translated, “For the peace and brotherhood of men.”
  9. The Economics medal has no inscription.
  10. The Nobel Foundation protects the common interests of the Prize Awarding institutions: the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Swedish Academy, Karolinska Instituted, and the Norwegian Nobel Committee.

5 best family movies to watch this weekend!

1.The Lion King

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The lion king picture

This Disney animated feature follows the adventures of the young lion Simba (Jonathan Taylor Thomas), the heir of his father, Mufasa (James Earl Jones). Simba’s wicked uncle, Scar (Jeremy Irons), plots to usurp Mufasa’s throne by luring father and son into a stampede of wildebeests. But Simba escapes, and only Mufasa is killed. Simba returns as an adult (Matthew Broderick) to take back his homeland from Scar with the help of his friends Timon (Nathan Lane) and Pumbaa (Ernie Sabella)

2.Harry potter and the and the Sorcerer’s Stone (2001)

Adaptation of the first of J.K. Rowling’s popular children’s novels about Harry Potter, a boy who learns on his eleventh birthday that he is the orphaned son of two powerful wizards and possesses unique magical powers of his own. He is summoned from his life as an unwanted child to become a student at Hogwarts, an English boarding school for wizards. There, he meets several friends who become his closest allies and help him discover the truth about his parents’ mysterious deaths.

3. Marry Poppins

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Marry Poppins

The Banks children—Jane, Michael, and the twins, John and Barbara—live at 17 Cherry-Tree Lane in  London with their parents. When their nanny leaves, her replacement arrives one evening borne on the east wind. Marry Poppins is vain and often irritable, but within her stern exterior lurk all kinds of delightful wonder. She can slide up banisters, float in the air, step into pictures, stick stars on the sky, and talk to animals. Mary takes the Banks children on a series of magical adventures, such as using a magical compass to travel around the world.

However, Mary also firmly believes in good behavior, and disobedience is punished. The children nonetheless adore her. She is not distant and neglectful like their parents, and they find safety within the caring discipline that she brings to their lives. Perhaps most important, her ordered world still allows for exploration and excitement. Notably, when Mary’s birthday coincides with a full moon, the children visit the zoo, and the cages are full of people while the animals wander around looking at them.

4. Beauty and The Beast

Beauty and the Beast

An arrogant young prince (Robby Benson) and his castle’s servants fall under the spell of a wicked enchantress, who turns him into the hideous Beast until he learns to love and be loved in return. The spirited, headstrong village girl Belle (Paige O’Hara) enters the Beast’s castle after he imprisons her father Maurice (Rex Everhart). With the help of his enchanted servants, including the matronly Mrs. Potts (Angela Lansbury), Belle begins to draw the cold-hearted Beast out of his isolation.

5. Miss Doubt fire

Miss Doubt fire

Troubled that he has little access to his children, divorced Daniel Hillard (Robin Williams) hatches an elaborate plan. With help from his creative brother Frank (Harvey Fierstein), he dresses as an older British woman and convinces his ex-wife, Miranda (Sally Field), to hire him as a nanny. “Mrs. Doubtfire” wins over the children and helps Daniel become a better parent — but when both Daniel and his nanny persona must meet different parties at the same restaurant, his secrets may be exposed.

The great pyramid of Giza

The great pyramid of Giza is one of the Seven Wonders of the World and is the only one still here today. The pharaoh Khufu built it. However, how did they build these amazing monuments with such accuracy and why?

Biography of Khufu

Khufu was a pharaoh that ruled in his twenties. Once he became the pharaoh of Egypt, he wasted no time in getting started on building the great pyramid of Giza, as he knew it would take some years in constructing it. His nephew was appointed head of construction in building the great pyramid. It took them around 23 years to build the pyramid for Khufu. They used 2,300,000 mastabas to build this pyramid and the pharaoh Khufu was very proud of it. They built the pyramid for Khufu, as this is where his burial chamber would be.

How was the pyramid constructed?

These pyramids took time and effort to construct. The way they constructed is not known until some Egyptologists figured it out. Large stone blocks called mastabas are formed in quarry near modern day Cairo and then shipped to Giza using boats that travelled through the river Nile. Once they arrived at Giza, they transported them onto sledges, which they pushed or pulled to move it. Since it was a hard job, the Egyptians found a way to make it easier they would splash water in front of the sledge to reduce the friction and make it easier to pull. Then once they reached the construction site, they would hall the stones up using ramps.

What is the reason why the pyramids were built?

The reason why they built this pyramid was so it could be the tomb of Khufu even though his body was not found there that was what the purpose of the pyramid.

Interesting Facts

  • There has been no writing or hieroglyphics found inside the Great Pyramid of Giza.
  • There were three burial chambers inside. One of the chambers was built into the bedrock underground. The queen’s chamber was higher and the king’s chamber was the highest. Khufu did not intend to use the queen’s chamber for any of his wives. It is thought that he intended to use it for a statue of himself.
  •  When the pyramid was built, the entire structure was covered with what is known as casing stones. Casing stones were actually limestone that were extremely well polished.

Twelfth Night The Movie

Twelfth night movie

Twelfth Night the movie is based of the play Twelfth night written by William Shakespeare.This was based of the roman tradition where twelve days after Christmas masters and servants would swap jobs.Here i have written a summary that summaries the play and the movie.

Duke Orsino of Illyria is in love with Olivia, but his advances are rejected. A shipwrecked Viola arrives on his shores, and with the help of a Captain, disguises herself as a boy, calling herself Cesario, and enters Orsino’s service. Orsino takes to Cesario, and sends ‘him’ to woo Olivia for him. Viola, however, is already falling in love with Orsino.

Viola shipwrecked

Cesario arrives to woo Olivia, and Olivia falls in love with ‘him’. She rejects Orsino’s approach, but asks Cesario to return. Orsino discusses the nature of love with Cesario, and sends ‘him’ again to Olivia, who confesses her love for Cesario, much to ‘his’ dismay. Meanwhile, Viola’s twin brother Sebastian, also a casualty of the shipwreck, arrives in Illyria with the help of Antonio, a sea-captain and former enemy of Orsino. Sebastian looks around the town, and Antonio gives him his purse to use, deciding to stay at the inn for safety.

Staying with Olivia is her uncle Sir Toby, who is encouraging Sir Andrew, his drinking-companion and source of funds, to woo Olivia. While carousing with Olivia’s fool Feste late one night, they quarrel with Malvolio, and with the help of Olivia’s maid Maria, they decide to trick him. Maria writes a letter to Malvolio, forging Olivia’s handwriting, to make Malvolio think Olivia loves him. The letter asks Malvolio to dress and behave in eccentric ways.

Toby, Andrew, and Fabian observe Malvolio opening the letter and absorbing its contents. He approaches Olivia according to the letter’s instructions, and she thinks him mad. Toby arranges for him to be confined in a dark room. Later, he gets Feste to disguise himself as a priest, Sir Topas, to taunt Malvolio. Malvolio writes a letter of complaint to Olivia.

Meanwhile, Andrew prepares to leave the house, having seen Cesario apparently being more successful with Olivia, but Toby persuades him to stay, and to challenge Cesario to a duel. Sir Toby separately informs Andrew and Cesario that the other is a ferocious fighter, and they approach each other with trepidation. They are about to fight when Antonio arrives, intending to defend Cesario, whom he has mistaken for Sebastian. Antonio is arrested by officers who recognize him as Orsino’s enemy. He asks for his purse from Cesario, who of course professes no knowledge of it.

Feste is sent to bring Cesario to Olivia, but encounters Sebastian instead. They meet Andrew, who strikes Sebastian, thinking him to be Cesario, and Andrew is beaten for his pains. Olivia arrives to stop a fight between Sebastian and Toby. Sebastian is immediately taken with her. Thinking him to be Cesario, she is delighted that he has finally responded to her advances, and they go off to be married.

Playing Swordsman

Orsino is told by Cesario of Antonio’s arrival, but when Antonio is brought before him and asserts that he has been with Cesario for some time, Orsino thinks him mad. Olivia arrives, and again rejects Orsino’s advances. As he and Cesario prepare to leave, Olivia insists on Cesario staying, and calls him her husband. When Cesario denies it, she presents the priest as confirmation. Orsino is enraged, thinking Cesario has betrayed him. Toby and Andrew pass by, having just been severely beaten by Sebastian. Sebastian then arrives, and the twins delightedly recognize each other. Everyone is amazed, Viola’s true identity is revealed, and she and Orsino decide to be married.

The twins reunited

Feste delivers Malvolio’s letter to Olivia, and he is brought from his cell. Fabian reveals the nature of the trick played upon him, and Malvolio leaves vowing revenge on them all. They all prepare for celebration, leaving Feste to bid the audience farewell.

Marriage unites two country

Red Velvet Cake

The most incredible Red Velvet Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting is fluffy, soft, buttery and moist with the most perfect velvet texture! Super easy to make with a few tips and tricks for the best results! You will go crazy for a second slice! |
  • 1/2 cup (120g) unsalted butter, at room temperature
  • 1 1/2 cups (300g) caster sugar (or fine white granulated sugar)
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/4 cup cooking oil
  • 1 tablespoon (10g) unsweetened cocoa powder plus 1 tablespoon extra for dusting
  • 2 1/2 tablespoons (45ml) red food colouring (liquid, not gel)
  • 2 teaspoons (10ml) pure vanilla extract
  • 1 tablespoon (20ml) white vinegar
  • 2 1/2 cups (350g) plain cake flour, sifted (or all purpose/plain flour)
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda (bi-carb soda)
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup (250ml) buttermilk*

Cream Cheese Frosting:

  • 14 ounces (400g) cream cheese (not spreadable), at room temperature
  • 1/2 cup (120g) unsalted butter, at room temperature
  • 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
  • 4 cups confectioners (or icing) sugar
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice (optional — adds subtle hint of lemon)

InstructionsFor Cake:

  1. Heat oven to 350°F | 175°C. Lightly grease two 8-inch cake pans with butter or nonstick oil spray and lightly dust with 1 tablespoon of the sifted cocoa powder.
  2. Cream butter and sugar together until light in colour. Add eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition to combine well.
  3. In a smaller bowl, mix together oil, remaining cocoa powder, red food colouring and vanilla until smooth. Stir colour mixture and vinegar through the creamed sugar mixture to combine.
  4. Sift together flour, baking soda and salt in a separate bowl. Add half of the dry ingredients and half of the buttermilk to the wet ingredients; mix well. Repeat with remaining dry ingredients and buttermilk. 
  5. Divide batter among the 2 prepared pans and bake for about 25 to 30 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the centre of the cake comes out clean. Cool on a wire rack completely.

For Cream Cheese Frosting:

  1. Beat together cream cheese, butter and vanilla until smooth lighter in colour (about 3-4 minutes). Beat in icing sugar until frosting is light and fluffy (if frosting is too thin, add more icing sugar and beat again until reaching your desired consistency).Optional if using: mix in the lemon juice.

Assemble Cake:

  1. Transfer 1 cake onto a serving dish/plate, flat-side down. Trim the top dome off of the cake to create a flat bottom later. Scoop about 1 1/2 – 2 cups of frosting onto cake and spread evenly over the top.
  2. Place second cake layer on top and use remaining frosting to cover top and sides of cake.
  3. Crumble trimmed pieces of cake to decorate.Enjoy!

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