The great pyramid of Giza

The great pyramid of Giza is one of the Seven Wonders of the World and is the only one still here today. The pharaoh Khufu built it. However, how did they build these amazing monuments with such accuracy and why?

Biography of Khufu

Khufu was a pharaoh that ruled in his twenties. Once he became the pharaoh of Egypt, he wasted no time in getting started on building the great pyramid of Giza, as he knew it would take some years in constructing it. His nephew was appointed head of construction in building the great pyramid. It took them around 23 years to build the pyramid for Khufu. They used 2,300,000 mastabas to build this pyramid and the pharaoh Khufu was very proud of it. They built the pyramid for Khufu, as this is where his burial chamber would be.

How was the pyramid constructed?

These pyramids took time and effort to construct. The way they constructed is not known until some Egyptologists figured it out. Large stone blocks called mastabas are formed in quarry near modern day Cairo and then shipped to Giza using boats that travelled through the river Nile. Once they arrived at Giza, they transported them onto sledges, which they pushed or pulled to move it. Since it was a hard job, the Egyptians found a way to make it easier they would splash water in front of the sledge to reduce the friction and make it easier to pull. Then once they reached the construction site, they would hall the stones up using ramps.

What is the reason why the pyramids were built?

The reason why they built this pyramid was so it could be the tomb of Khufu even though his body was not found there that was what the purpose of the pyramid.

Interesting Facts

  • There has been no writing or hieroglyphics found inside the Great Pyramid of Giza.
  • There were three burial chambers inside. One of the chambers was built into the bedrock underground. The queen’s chamber was higher and the king’s chamber was the highest. Khufu did not intend to use the queen’s chamber for any of his wives. It is thought that he intended to use it for a statue of himself.
  •  When the pyramid was built, the entire structure was covered with what is known as casing stones. Casing stones were actually limestone that were extremely well polished.

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